RA Power Solutions manufactures white metal Babbitt bearing up to the bore size of 1100 mm. The Babbitt material is used as per the application of bearing. All the Babbitt bearings manufactured by RA Power are guaranteed for satisfactory performance.
Rebabbitting of old Babbitt bearing is also done. Prior to the start of rebabbitting process bearing steel shells are checked for cracks and hard spots.
Rebabbitting is done by centrifugal system. Quality check procedure is followed after rebabbitting of bearings is undertaken.
Thrust Pad Bearing
Turbine Pad Bearing
Generator and Turbine Bearing
Rebabbitting of turbine bearing
Rebabbitting of Pedestrial bearing
Pedestrial bearing for rebabbitting
White Metal Bearing
White Metal Bearing
MOP Governor Bearing 210 MW Turbine