Metal Stitching Engine Block RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. undertakes repair of crack casting which is broken into pieces by metal stitching and metal locking process. The company has executed successfully the repair of more than 600 nos. of cracked engine blocks, cast iron cold metal stitching, turbine casing, turbocharger casings, gearbox housings, etc. in the last 4 decades.
It is proven that the repair of cracks in cast iron or cast steel, castings is successful by metal stitching and metal locking process in comparison to the old welding process which was followed.
The advantages of crack repair by metal stitching and metal locking process are as follows:
- Repair of cracks in the engine block, cylinder heads, and turbines can be undertaken by metal stitching and metal locking process on-site without disassembly of the equipment. This process of repair saves downtime and is cost-effective.
- Metal lock and metal stitching process provide an excellent expansion joint for engine parts like cylinder liners, crankcases, and cylinder heads which are subject to thermal and mechanical stresses. The main advantage of the repair of cracks by metal stitching and metal locking process is that no stresses are developed and the alignment is maintained with original surfaces as the lack of heat produces no distortion.
- The procedure and process of repair of cracks by metal stitching and metal locking are accepted by various classes and inspection agencies.
- The process of metal locking and metal stitching is cold, no heat is generated and in most cases, there is no need to replace heavy and expensive parts.
Metal Stitching Of Engine Block
RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. undertakes the repair of cracked or damaged engine blocks by metal locking, metal stitching, and metal surgery process. It is possible to undertake the repair of damaged or cracked engine blocks onsite manufactured out of the following base metal:
- Cast steel
- Aluminium casting
- Ductile iron
- Cast iron
With the introduction of modern technology and processes, the repair of cracks in heavy-duty cast iron components by welding is not recommended as the welding process generates heat and unwanted stresses in the cast iron component resulting in serious damage to the cast iron component.
The engine block repair by metal locking, metal stitching of engine block, and metal surgery process is the proven method of repair of cracks or damaged heavy components. In most cases after engine block repair, no machining is required.
This blog is written by Mr. Raj Shahani (Managing Director of RA Power Solutions). He has forty years of experience in the field of engine repair and is a technical adviser to various shipping and heavy industries based all over the world.
For more information on the Metal lock and metal stitching, metal locking process, metal stitching of castings, and metal stitching of engine block and cold metal stitching, crack repair by metal stitching, please email us at, or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.